- Water and sewage systems
- Central heating systems and boiler rooms,
- Gas installations,
- Mechanical ventilation and industrial ventilation systems
- Air-conditioning, chilled water systems
- Vacuum roof drainage systems
- Instalacje detekcji gazu
- Instalacje filtrowentylacji,
- Instalacje chłodnicze,
- Instalacje sprężonego powietrza
- Systemy osuszania powietrza
- Instalacje technologiczne ( pary , oleju)
All entrusted orders are managed by experienced engineering staff, and authorized technicians and fitters, therefore we are able to guarantee high quality of our services. The customer can rely on our experience and take advantage of professional technical advice in the field of implemented investments.
Our offer
General contracting of installations

Design of industrial plants

Installation of sanitary and HVAC systems

Professional warranty and post-warranty service of systems and devices.
Measurements and adjustment of operating parameters of devices and installations. Technical analyses.
More information
We carry out comprehensive designs of sanitary, heating, mechanical and industrial installations. The customer and his needs always come first, therefore every day we make efforts to ensure that the quality of our services remains at the highest level.
In our offer you will also find professional servicing of ventilation, air-conditioning and heating installations such as heating and ventilation units, gas heaters, gas radiators, gas detection systems. All entrusted orders are carried out using modern equipment, so we can guarantee accuracy and fast delivery time. We perform warranty inspections of all types of air conditioning, ventilation, refrigeration and heating equipment, in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements.
Michał Kochel
Daniel Mazurkiewicz

Please visit
Mon.-Fri. at hours:
8.00 - 16.00
ul. Ślężna 86
53-306 Wrocław
KLIMA-VENTA Sp. z o.o. Sp.k.
tel.: +48 730 110 151